Briefwisseling van Constantijn Huygens 1607-1687

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Details voor brief n0286

Algemene Gegevens
Nummer n0286
Datum 21 november 1640
Plaats Antwerpen
Correspondenten Van: Duarte, Gaspar F.
Taal Frans
Inhoud Duarte says he is happy because the manteca d’azar pleased Frederik Hendrik. He asks for a confirmation of his safe-conduct of the States of Holland of 1629. He asks Huygens for a pair of Italian and French airs which he assumes have been given to Huygens by Varenne. He has other nice airs from Varenne: Belli occhi and Se credi Amor. He describes the music ensembles they make together at his home: his three daughters on spinet, lute and viol with he himself on the violin, or two daughters singing with lute and viol, or two daughters singing while he sings the bass and one plays spinet or teorbo. He suggests Huygens do the same with his four sons.
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