Exchange Banks in Amsterdam, Middelburg, Delft and Rotterdam 1603-1820

English | Nederlands

Compiled by J.G. van Dillen

This two-volume edition focuses primarily on the history of the Exchange Bank in Amsterdam. The bank was founded in 1609 by the Municipal Council of Amsterdam in order to bring order to the chaos that surrounded ready cash at the time. The entire publication is based on statistical data from the archive of the Amsterdam Exchange Bank that was collected and analysed by J.G. van Dillen.

Ledgers, annual audited accounts, lists of various financial records and the financial records of the gold and silver office were among the primary sources. In addition to providing statistical data, the publication also examines the history of the bank, financial transfers, and how collateral was raised based on cash and credit loans. The data offers an insight into how the Amsterdam Exchange Bank was run and can to some extent be associated with the development of Amsterdam's trade and industry. The edition also provides insights into the history of the Republic's currency system and the Amsterdam coin trade.

Significantly less data is available about the Exchange Banks in Middelburg (documents, financial accounts and tables), Delft (documents) and Rotterdam (documents) that were established after the Amsterdam Exchange Bank.

The items featured in the publication - 1,035 in total - have been published partly in full text format, and partly in an abridged form. The publication also contains a subject index that includes personal names and place names.