Austen, Jane (1775 - 1817)

Short name Austen, Jane
First name Jane
Birth name Austen
Married name
Date of birth 1775
Date of death 1817
Flourishing -
Sex Female
Place of birth Steventon
Place of death Winchester
Lived in England
Place of residence notes
Religion / ideology Protestant
Education Educated at home, School education
Aristocratic title -
Professional or ecclesiastical title -
Austen, Jane was ...
related to Austen-Leigh, James Edward
friend and professional colleague Smith, Charlotte
Place(s) of Residence England
Receptions of Austen, Jane, the person (for receptions of her works, see under each individual Work)
Title Author Date Type
On the Female Literature of the Present Age [unidentified author, multiple, separate records to be made] 1820 comments on person
Precaution Austen, Jane , James Fenimore Cooper 1820 references person
*Art. in Handboek van de geschiedenis der letterkunde bij de voornaamste Europische volken in nieuwere tijden Manual for the history of the literatures of the main European peoples Nicolaas Godfried van Kampen 1836 comments on person
Perdu! oder Dichter, Verleger und Blaustrümpfe Austen, Jane , Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von 1840 references person
In Magazin für die Literatur des Auslandes Theodore Hook 1844 comments on person
*Reading experience (Austen) in letter Brontë, Charlotte 1845 comments on person
Engelske forfatterinder English Authoresses Horn, Erik Frederik Barth 1858 comments on person
A Memoir of Jane Austen Austen-Leigh, James Edward 1869 is biography of
Miss Austen and Miss Mitford Margaret Oliphant Wilson Oliphant 1870 comments on person
A Memoir of Jane Austen Richard Simpson 1870 comments on person
*To be specified Austen, Jane , Unknown translator (to be identified) 1870 references person
*To be specified (2) Austen, Jane , Unknown translator (to be identified) 1870 references person
A Memoir of Jane Austen and Sense and Sensibility Simcox, Edith Jemima 1870 comments on person
A Memoir of Jane Austen and The Life of Mary Russell Mitford Henry Fothergill Chorley 1870 comments on person
Jane Austen Thackeray, Anne 1871 comments on person
A Memoir of Jane Austen, 2nd edition Simcox, Edith Jemima 1871 comments on person
Boucher, Léon *Article in Revue des deux Mondes Paul Léon Philippe Boucher 1878 comments on person
*Mention in The Literary Reader Elisabeth Jane Irving , Taco Hajo de Beer 1882 comments on person
Kvindesagen The Woman Question Unknown journalist (to be identified) 1888 comments on person
*The social advancement of women in this century Millicent Fawcett 1888 comments on person
*Art. dans la Revue blanche Théodore Duret 1898 comments on person
Jane Austen, her homes and her friends Hill, Constance 1902 is biography of
The Feminine Note in Fiction Woolf, Virginia 1905 None
Jane Austen Just Bing 1906 comments on person
Hundrede Aar: fra Jane Austen til Henrik Ibsen One hundred years: from Jane Austen to Henrik Ibsen Sigrid Undset 1917 comments on person
Women Novelists Woolf, Virginia 1918 None
*The intellectual Status of Women Woolf, Virginia 1920 None
*Art.: Shelley's pad naar de dichtkunst Shelley's way to poetry Jolles, André 1922 None
Džordž Eliot (George Eliot) Sekulić, Isidora 1926 None
A Room of One's Own Woolf, Virginia 1929 comments on person
Vrouwenspiegel: een literair-sociologische studie over de Nederlandse romanschrijfster na 1880 Romein Verschoor, Annie 1936 comments on person
Cassandra Austen, Portrait of Jane Austen, c. 1910, National Portrait Gallery None is portrait of
*Comment in private letter Droste-Hülshoff, Annette von None comments on person
MENTIONED IN: - Marie Nedregotten Sørbø, Jane Austen Speaks Norwegian: The Challenges of Literary Translation, Brill, 2018. - M.N. Sørbø, Irony and Idyll: Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park on Screen, Rodopi, 2014. - M. N. Sørbø, 'Discovering an Unknown Austen: Persuasion in the Nineteenth Century', in Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal, 34, 2013, pp 230-240. - Anthony Mandal and Brian Southam (eds.), The Reception of Jane Austen in Europe (2007, new revised edition 2014) - M. N. Sørbø, 'Jane Austen and Norway: Sharing the Long Road to Recognition', in Mandal and Southam, 2007 and 2014, pp 132-152. - S. van Dijk, review of Mandal/Southam 2007 (hyperlink) - M. N. Sørbø, 'The Latecomer: Jane Austen in Norwegian Schools', in journal 'Språk og Språkundervisning', 1/2005, pp 29-35 and 2/2005 p 15. - Beauvoir, Deuxième sexe, 1949 (ed.Folio 1976, p. 212, 634) - Lettres européennes (Dutch version 1994) II, 671-3. - Offen, European Feminisms, 2000, p. 74 - De Vries, Een stad vol lezers 2011 - Vaessens, Geschiedenis van de moderne Nederlandse literatuur, 2013, p. 130 Cf.
@conformity_norms_female_behaviour (unmarried) %%born Hampshire Writer and embroiderer, cf. 1808, June-July; 1809 May-July; September-October 1813: Jane Austen's visits to Godmersham as remembered by Marianne Knight (born 1801, sixth daughter of Edward, Jane's brother: "I remember that when Aunt Jane came to us at Godmersham she used to bring the MS of whatever novel she was writing with her . . . read them aloud . . . I also remember how Aunt Jane would sit quietly working beside the fire in the library, saying nothing for a good while, and then would suddenly burst out laughing ... write something down, & then go back to the fire & go on working as before". (site Ellen Moody)