Nederlands-Indonesische betrekkingen 1950-1963

English | Nederlands

Gegevens van record 4146

Nummer 4146
Datum 14-8-1959
Soort codetelegram(men)
Kenmerk Lovink 105
Verzender(s) Lovink, A.H.J. (info)
Ontvanger(s) Toxopeus, E.H. (info)
Plaats van opmaak Canberra
Plaats van bestemming Den Haag
Bewaarplaats Nationaal Archief
Bestand archief Minkol., dossierarchief ministerie van Koloniƫn en opvolgers 1945-1
Dossiernummer 11092
Trefwoorden Australiƫ, houding/positie van -
Australisch Nieuw-Guinea
NG, Nederlands-Australische bestuurlijke/militaire samenwerking inzake -
Annotatie In een ongedateerd schrijven aan de gouverneur van Nieuw-Guinea n.a.v. zijn bezoek aan Canberra gaf A. Loosjes 'de juiste tekst' van de op 2 augustus door Menzies gedane uitspraak in het televisieprogramma ' Face the Nation' . Deze luidde blijkens dit schrijven als volgt:
'Question: 'Before leaving the subject, Mr. Menzies, what do you foresee for the ultimate future of Dutch New Guinea?'
Mr. Menzies: 'Well, it is very difficult to look into the future but if you look far enough then I would hope to see self-government in New Guinea and I think there would be great merit myself in seeing that as self-government of the entire island. You see, treating it as a whole, because ethnologically there are but very few distinctions to be made between the people of the West and people of the East and the people of Papua. Now our policy as you know has been and is to promote the welfare of the native people, many of whom of course are still living in their remote and rather savage conditions, but to promote their welfare so that some day, which is certainly not going to be next year after or something like that, some day they will be brought to a state of life in which they can accept self-government. And so far as the Dutch are concerned they have told us that they have the same ultimate ambition for their people, and therefore in the long run, it won't perhaps be in my time as Prime Minister, but in due course, with all the efforts we can make in the meantime to promote their welfare, we may find an independent nation of native New Guinea citizens conducting their own affairs and I hope living in terms of close friendship with Australia.' Archief BZ 1955-1964, dossier 1567.
Zie ook 4145: Lovink 95
5099: Lovink 103
5117: onleesbaar
5504: Buza DOA/OP 243
5516: Lovink 124
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