Voyage Details
Number | 11924 |
Book year | 1737/1738 |
Source | 10770 |
Folio number | 23 |
Ship name | Schuitwijk |
Departure date | - |
Departure place and region | -, Bengalen |
Arrival date | 14-4-1738 |
Arrival place and region | Batavia, Batavia |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 425.260,14,0 |
Remarks Voyage | - |
Voyage in DAS | - |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
1.680 | pees | guinees | - | 15.413,11,0 | |
600 | pees | atchiabanijs | - | 1.932,16,0 | |
400 | pees | alibanees | - | 2.604,3,8 | |
800 | pees | allegias | - | 10.298,17,8 | |
3.045 | pees | armozijn | - | 33.670,5,0 | |
2.640 | pees | cassa | - | 35.866,1,8 | |
500 | pees | dongris | - | 1.155,16,0 | |
1.600 | pees | gerassen | - | 5.378,4,0 | |
50 | pees | malmal | - | 1.209,2,8 | |
4.400 | pees | roemaals | neusdoeken | 17.828,7,8 | |
500 | pees | wasdoek | - | 1.919,2,8 | |
1.440 | pees | salempuris | gebleekt | 6.008,2,0 | |
960 | pees | soesjes | - | 14.365,0,8 | |
150 | pees | terindani | - | 3.295,1,8 | |
5.900 | pees | stoffen | zijden | 32.149,1,0 | |
1.800 | pees | zeildoek | - | 6.588,2,0 | |
12.229 13/180 | lb | zijde | ruw | 59.544,8,8 | |
1.669 1/4 | lb | floretgaren | - | 6.062,3,8 | |
36.250 | lb | opium | - | 120.077,16,8 | |
230.060 | lb | salpeter | - | 24.114,16,8 | |
5.500 | lb | pakgaren | - | 1.683,0,0 | |
50 | lb | bindkoord | - | 247,14,8 | |
165 | lb | zijde | naai- en stik- | 1.134,18,0 | |
13.778 | lb | lont | - | 1.352,6,8 | |
580 | lb | salmiak | - | 661,15,8 | |
39.600 | pees | guni | in soort | 3.562,13,0 | |
60 | paar | kousen | zijden | 398,10,0 | |
30 | pot | boter | Bengaals | 1.039,6,8 | |
diverse | - | equipagegoederen | - | 8.267,2,0 | |
diverse | - | graan | - | 7.432,9,0 | |
Total: | 425.260,14 |