Voyage Details
Number | 12246 |
Book year | 1737/1738 |
Source | 10770 |
Folio number | 51-52 |
Ship name | Diemermeer |
Departure date | 28-11-1737 |
Departure place and region | Batavia, Batavia |
Arrival date | - |
Arrival place and region | Amsterdam, Republiek |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 432.220,18,8 |
Remarks Voyage | - |
Voyage in DAS | go to DAS voyage 7005.1 |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
1.500 | pees | armozijn | dubbele effen Bengaals | 17.176,3,8 | |
200 | pees | atchiabanijs | Bengaals | 644,5,0 | |
300 | pees | aliabalijs | Bengaals | 2.019,14,0 | |
200 | pees | allegias | tesser Bengaals | 1.393,5,0 | |
800 | pees | bandana | Bengaals | 4.389,0,0 | |
240 | pees | bethilles | cangan Bengaals | 2.327,12,8 | |
2.060 | pees | cassa | Bengaals | 28.707,2,0 | |
1.000 | pees | dasje | Bengaals | 791,14,0 | |
500 | pees | deriabadijs | Bengaals | 2.339,5,0 | |
600 | pees | dongris | Bengaals | 1.369,16,0 | |
130 | pees | douriassen | Bengaals | 2.339,2,8 | |
600 | pees | photas | Bengaals | 2.427,18,8 | |
4.300 | pees | gerassen | Bengaals | 14.492,7,8 | |
1.200 | pees | guinees | Bengaals in soort | 7.293,12,0 | |
5.120 | pees | guinees | Bengaals | 48.272,1,0 | |
420 | pees | hammans | - | 4.797,14,8 | |
880 | pees | malmal | in soort | 11.218,3,8 | |
9.300 | pees | roemaals | neusdoeken | 34.129,2,0 | |
1.360 | pees | salempuris | - | 5.690,5,8 | |
800 | pees | soesjes | - | 12.060,11,0 | |
200 | pees | tansjeebs | - | 4.560,8,0 | |
100 | pees | terindani | - | 2.221,14,0 | |
1.020 | pees | zeildoek | - | 3.850,19,8 | |
18.100 83/90 | lb | zijde | in soort, met de kast | 86.326,6,0 | |
12.801 | lb | garen | katoenen | 4.917,7,8 | |
4.115 287/360 | lb | floretgaren | Bengaals | 13.940,8,0 | |
1.160 | lb | borax | Bengaals | 491,12,0 | |
408 | lb | schellak | Bengaals | 178,10,0 | |
139.870 | lb | salpeter | Bengaals | 12.868,1,0 | |
43.500 | lb | nootmuskaat | - | 3.126,11,8 | |
26.500 | lb | garioffelnagel | - | 8.115,12,8 | |
19.096 | lb | foelie | macis | 10.980,4,0 | |
215.749 | lb | peper | zwart Bantams | 29.773,7,0 | |
60.334 | lb | sapanhout | - | 2.567,4,0 | |
209.132 | lb | poedersuiker | - | 16.312,6,0 | |
16.020 | lb | wol | Perzisch | 19.636,14,0 | |
- | ongelden | Bataviase 2 procent | 8.474,18,8 | ||
Total: | 432.220,18,8 |