Voyage Details
Number | 12687 |
Book year | 1737/1738 |
Source | 10770 |
Folio number | 141 |
Ship name | Huis te Marquette |
Departure date | 17-12-1737 |
Departure place and region | -, Ceylon |
Arrival date | - |
Arrival place and region | Amsterdam, Republiek |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 200.703,18,8 |
Remarks Voyage | For the ships that departed Ceylon for Amsterdam, it is indicated that the places of their departure were Galle and Colombo. However, place of departure is not specified for the individual ships. |
Voyage in DAS | go to DAS voyage 7020.2 |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
240 | pees | periemoenemolam | - | 1.196,1,0 | |
400 | pees | moenemolam | - | 2.386,10,0 | |
100 | pees | muris | grof gebleekt Tuticorins | 325,7,8 | |
620 | pees | kaatje | gebleekt Tuticorins | 3.391,14,8 | |
160 | pees | parcallen | grof gebleekt fijn Tuticorins | 635,12,0 | |
6.320 | pees | guinees | - | 65.329,3,0 | |
3.360 | pees | salempuris | - | 15.322,7,0 | |
5.000 | lb | garen | katoenen | 7.014,14,8 | |
50.000 | lb | sapanhout | Siamees | 1.275,0,0 | |
119.050 | lb | salpeter | Bengaals | 11.172,7,8 | |
189.356 | lb | poedersuiker | - | 14.980,12,0 | |
24.000 | lb | cauri | van de Malediven | 6.000,0,0 | |
36 | lb | stampparel | - | 1.148,6,8 | |
116.000 | lb | kaneel | - | 34.800,0,0 | |
185.368 | lb | peper | - | 32.439,8,0 | |
2 | kistje | zaad | Ceylons | 4,15,0 | |
- | ongelden | Ceylonse, 1 1/2 procent | 2.548,17,0 | ||
- | peperzak | onbekwaam | |||
- | rijstzak | onbekwaam | |||
3.074 | pees | samen | - | 693,14,0 | |
- | houtwerk | ten behoeve van dit schip | |||
- | spijker | ten behoeve van dit schip | |||
diverse | - | samen | - | 39,9,0 | |
Total: | 200.703,18,8 |