Voyage Details
Number | 13368 |
Book year | 1723/1724 |
Source | 10763 |
Folio number | 38 |
Ship name | Hogermeer |
Departure date | - |
Departure place and region | -, Bengalen |
Arrival date | 7-5-1724 |
Arrival place and region | Batavia, Batavia |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 296.417 |
Remarks Voyage | - |
Voyage in DAS | - |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
- | armozijn | - | |||
- | stoffen | zijden | |||
4.382 | pees | samen | - | 56.578,4 | |
1.000 | pees | allegias | - | 13.839,0,8 | |
520 | pees | guinees | lijnwaad gebleekt | 4.181,10,8 | |
1.000 | pees | gerassen | - | 3.099,17 | |
420 | pees | hammans | - | 4.117,11 | |
1.000 | pees | gingam | gestreept | 6.588,16,8 | |
1.300 | pees | gingam | effen | 6.552,14 | |
1.300 | pees | gingam | taffachelas | 8.693,15,8 | |
2.400 | pees | salempuris | gebleekt | 8.649,8 | |
1.900 | pees | dongris | - | 3.209,4 | |
16.142 149/180 | lb | zijde | ruw | 80.689,10 | |
3.035 | lb | garen | effen | 9.111,12,8 | |
2.100 | pees | zeildoek | - | 6.288,10 | |
320 | pees | wasdoek | - | 1.292,6 | |
174.000 | lb | salpeter | - | 14.421,13,8 | |
15.225 | lb | opium | - | 64.203,16,8 | |
4.000 | pees | guni | lang | 992,15,8 | |
2.000 | pees | gunizak | - | 400,6,8 | |
2 | pees | theeketel | - | 7,19,8 | |
11 | pees | martavaan | - | 352,5,8 | |
200 | lb | zegellak | - | 271,19 | |
75.000 | lb | kitserij | - | 2.066,10 | |
30.000 | lb | tarwe | - | 797,14,8 | |
- | over te veel berekend in de factuur | - | 10 | ||
Total: | 296.416 |