Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Voyage Details

Number 13499
Book year 1710/1711
Source 10757
Folio number 65
Ship name Suikermolen, Overnes, Huis te Bijweg (fluitschip)
Departure date -
Departure place and region -, Bengalen
Arrival date 29-5-1711
Arrival place and region Batavia, Batavia
Total value Dutch guilders -
Total value Indian guilders 906.463,16,0
Remarks Voyage Due to smudged ink and ink corrosion, many of the invoices in this BGB journal are hard to read or partially illegible.
Voyage in DAS -

Cargo details

Quantity Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders Remarks Product
- armozijn -
- stoffen zijden
4.275 pees samen - 45.517,17,0
4.300 pees allegias - 29.553,9,0
150 pees amirtje - 838,14,0
20 pees alkatief - 708,12,8
3.600 pees chamchanijs - 9.574,6,0
18.200 pees sits - 67.034,11,0 "chatsen"
300 pees cassa - 3.367,7,8
2.690 pees deriabadijs - 10.357,18,8
3.100 pees photas - 11.400,12,8
12.820 pees gerassen - 31.679,14,0
2.500 pees gingam effen 11.846,9,8
3.500 pees gingam taffachelas 20.875,8,8
900 pees gingam pinasse 5.433,11,8
7.500 pees guni lang 1.752,9,8
5.100 pees gunizak - 961,0,8
1.440 pees hammans - 11.331,14,8
2.880 pees lacorijns - 8.433,17,0
800 pees pinasse cors 4.825,13,8
4.860 pees zeildoek - 10.626,5,0
88.015 lb opium - 264.405,14,0
2.579 3/4 lb floretgaren - 7.007,13,0
65.233 111/120 lb zijde ruw 281.301,2,8 The quantity of this product is hard to read.
884.500 lb salpeter - 55.970,8,0
43 7/8 lb foeliestof ongetaxeerd 0,0,0
76 rol zeildoek - 2.030,0,0
1.000 lb zeilgaren - 502,0,0
50 pees loodlijn wegend 1.253 lb 187,10,0
250 kip lont - 1.731,2,0
400 lb salmiak - 258,16,0
80 lb papaverbol - 20,2,8 Literally: "opiumbol".
75.000 lb katjang - 3.400,3,0
50 pot boter - 1.812,4,0
- ongelden - 13.12,0
- over te veel berekend in de factuur - 405,9,8
Total: 906.463,16