Voyage Details
Number | 13948 |
Book year | 1710/1711 |
Source | 10757 |
Folio number | 102 |
Ship name | Barneveld |
Departure date | 28-11-1710 |
Departure place and region | Batavia, Batavia |
Arrival date | - |
Arrival place and region | Amsterdam, Republiek |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 441.847,2,8 |
Remarks Voyage | Due to the illegibility of a number of product-values, the sum of the product-values is 40.484 guilders lower than the total value of the invoice.
Due to smudged ink and ink corrosion, many of the invoices in this BGB journal are hard to read or partially illegible. |
Voyage in DAS | go to DAS voyage 6233.2 |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
1.000 | pees | armozijn | Bengaals | 10.606,16,8 | |
200 | pees | allegias | tesser Bengaals | 1.150,3,0 | |
500 | pees | atlas | Bengaals | 4.749,11,8 | |
400 | pees | alibanees | Bengaals | 2.510,11,0 | |
300 | pees | atchiabanijs | Bengaals | 965,2,8 | |
300 | pees | amirtje | Bengaals | 1.858,6,0 | |
800 | pees | adaties | Bengaals | 3.957,13,0 | |
980 | pees | cassa | Bengaals | 11.612,19,0 | |
1.800 | pees | sits | Bengaals | 5.851,5,8 | |
480 | pees | douriassen | Bengaals | 6.077,17,0 | |
1.000 | pees | dasje | Bengaals | 54x,4,8 | |
420 | pees | deriabadijs | Bengaals | 1.9xx,4,0 | |
400 | pees | dongris | Bengaals | xx6,8,0 | |
700 | pees | photas | Bengaals | 2.xx6,5,8 | |
6.100 | pees | gerassen | Bengaals | 1x9x4,2,8 | |
840 | pees | guinees | gebleekt Bengaals | 6.389,16,8 | |
240 | pees | hammans | Bengaals | 2.053,9,8 | |
360 | pees | lacorijns | Bengaals | 1.2x0,14,0 | |
590 | pees | malmal | Bengaals | 5.3x0,6,8 | |
640 | pees | parcallen | gebleekt Bengaals | xx4,4,8 | |
1.000 | pees | roemaals | neusdoeken Bengaals | 3.x81,14,0 | |
2.320 | pees | salempuris | gebleekt Bengaals | 7.x03,9,0 | |
100 | pees | terindani | Bengaals | 2.228,14,0 | |
500 | pees | tansjeebs | Bengaals | 9.861,8,0 | |
200 | pees | sanen | Bengaals | 1.610,11,0 | |
780 | pees | zeildoek | Bengaals | 1.790,17,8 | |
5.220 | lb | borax | Bengaals | 2.317,5,8 | |
758 3/4 | lb | floretgaren | Bengaals | 2.211,0,0 | |
1.496 | lb | garen | katoenen Bengaals | 425,15,0 | |
758 3/4 | lb | tessergaren | Bengaals | 2.330,5,0 | |
8.735 89/1x0 | lb | zijde | ruw Bengaals | 31.728,8,0 | |
290.000 | lb | salpeter | Bengaals | 17.400,0,0 | |
720 | pees | baftas | gebleekt Kust | 3.172,18,0 | |
880 | pees | baftas | blauw Kust | 4.785,0,8 | |
200 | pees | bethilles | callawapores Kust | 2.592,4,8 | |
800 | pees | bethilles | gebleekt Kust | 6.560,8,0 | |
300 | pees | bethilles | otisaals Kust | 2.672,16,8 | |
200 | pees | bethilles | sesterganty Kust | 2.507,15,8 | |
600 | pees | bethilles | tarnatannes Kust | 6.499,5,0 | |
160 | pees | brandam | Kust | 390,14,0 | |
300 | pees | sits | geschilderd Kust | 4.785,11,0 | |
320 | pees | dongris | gebleekt Kust | 809,3,0 | |
90 | pees | guinees | fijn gebleekt Kust | 1.993,18,0 | |
1.780 | pees | guinees | gemeen gebleekt Kust | 17.066,16,0 | |
100 | pees | guinees | ruw Kust | 1.013,15,0 | |
1.200 | pees | guinees | blauw Kust | 14.710,19,8 | |
300 | pees | gingam | onderbroeken Kust | 2.938,0,0 | |
1.500 | pees | muris | gebleekt Kust | 9.819,17,0 | |
300 | pees | muris | rood Kust | 1.813,4,0 | |
320 | pees | negroskleed | Kust | 708,2,0 | |
1.760 | pees | parcallen | fijn gebleekt Kust | 6.771,16,8 | |
1.440 | pees | parcallen | gemeen gebleekt Kust | 3.291,15,0 | |
1.920 | pees | parcallen | blauw Kust | 5.091,0,8 | |
150 | pees | roemaals | neusdoeken d'esta Kust | 2.337,11,8 | |
160 | pees | salempuris | fijn gebleekt Kust | 1.378,13,0 | |
2.487 | pees | salempuris | gemeen gebleekt Kust | 11.100,14,0 | |
240 | pees | salempuris | ruw Kust | 1.009,2,8 | |
1.760 | pees | salempuris | blauw Kust | 8.697,10,8 | |
159 | pees | salempuris | rood Kust | 1.033,16,8 | |
320 | pees | zeildoek | Kust | 853,6,8 | |
240 | pees | baftas | wit breed hele Surats | 1.031,4,0 | |
360 | pees | baftas | wit smal hele Surats | 1.218,4,0 | |
700 | pees | beraupaats | wit Surats | 4.086,1,8 | |
400 | pees | bherms | breed Surats | 1.715,10,0 | |
400 | pees | sits | chiaboutria breed Surats | 1.695,4,0 | |
1.200 | pees | carroots | Surats | 1.045,1,0 | |
320 | pees | niquanias | Surats | 851,19,0 | |
720 | pees | sawagesjes | wit Surats | 2.961,0,8 | |
4.783 | lb | indigo | Surats | 4.054,8,8 | |
3.450 | lb | garen | katoenen Surats | 1.702,14,0 | |
1.120 | pees | guinees | gebleekt Tuticorins | 10.367,19,0 | |
2.250 | lb | wol | Kirmans | 1.312,10,0 | |
3.250 | lb | kurkuma | - | 379,18,8 | |
60.323 | lb | tin | - | 18.262,16,0 | |
47.000 | lb | nootmuskaat | - | 2.937,10,0 | |
15.554 | lb | foelie | macis | 8.554,14,0 | |
15.576 | lb | peper | wit | 2.878,1,0 | |
284.766 | lb | peper | zwart | 37.589,2,0 | |
618 | lb | notenolie | in koeken | 706,17,0 | |
879 | lb | kamfer | Japans | 761,4,0 | |
1.200 | lb | benzoƫ | - | 1.239,0,0 | |
100 | lb | drakenbloed | - | 96,2,0 | |
2.139 | lb | gomlak | Siamees | 564,14,0 | |
241.744 | lb | poedersuiker | - | 17.693,5,8 | |
21 | potje | kruidnagel | gekonfijt | 528,3,0 | |
5.000 | pees | nootmuskaat | gekonfijt | 649,10,0 | |
8.249 | lb | gember | gekonfijt | 1.583,16,0 | |
427 | lb | zijde | ruw Chinees | 2.049,12,0 | |
4.750 | lb | garen | katoenen Javaans | 2.405,4,8 | |
1.581 1/x | lb | indigo | Javaans | 2.100,2,0 | |
200 | pees | handrotan | - | 23,10,8 | |
1.420 | lb | calaturshout | - | 39,1,0 | |
97.698 | lb | sapanhout | Siamees | 2.930,19,0 | |
154 | pees | suikerkist | - | 346,10,0 | |
- | emballage | - | 241,0,0 | ||
- | ongelden | op koopmanschappen | 8.663,13,8 | ||
39 | pees | neusdoek | in soort ongetaxeerd tot monster | 0,0,0 | |
Total: | 401.362,2,8 |