Voyage Details
Number | 15237 |
Book year | 1711/1712 |
Source | 10758 |
Folio number | 105 |
Ship name | Huis te Loo |
Departure date | 15-9-1711 |
Departure place and region | Batavia, Batavia |
Arrival date | - |
Arrival place and region | -, Siam |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 89.727,4,8 |
Remarks Voyage | - |
Voyage in DAS | - |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
18.262 | pees | dukatons | - | 73.343,7,0 | |
105 9/10 | mark | markrealen | - | 3.165,12,0 | |
10 | pees | bril | - | 20,17,0 | |
1 | kelder | brandewijn | - | 38,12,8 | |
499 | pees | photas | Bengaals | 1.584,11,0 | |
1.500 | pees | gerassen | Bengaals | 3.213,1,0 | |
600 | pees | hammans | Bengaals | 3.280,7,0 | |
800 | pees | sanen | Bengaals | 2.299,2,8 | |
2 | pees | fluweel | Perzisch | 65,0,0 | |
1 | kast | rozenwater | Perzisch | 26,11,8 | |
2 | pees | kabeltouw | 9 duim | 700,0,0 | |
2 | pees | vijgertouw | 8 duim | 315,0,0 | |
1.000 | pees | vuursteen | in soort | 10,5,0 | |
1 | kast | medicamenten | diverse | 69,11,0 | |
1 | aam | wijn | Spaans | 102,0,0 | |
25 | kan | tintwijn | - | 33,13,8 | |
2 | pees | paard | hengst Perzisch | 738,1,8 | |
- | in aanrekening | - | 471,13,8 | ||
- | ongelden | op koopmanschappen | 249,18,8 | ||
Total: | 89.727,4,8 |