Voyage Details
Number | 17145 |
Book year | 1708/1709 |
Source | 10756 |
Folio number | 418 |
Ship name | Belois, Liefde, Horstendaal, Popkensburg |
Departure date | - |
Departure place and region | Amsterdam, Republiek |
Arrival date | 24-12-1708 |
Arrival place and region | Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 52.218,18 |
Remarks Voyage | Only the DAS record for Liefde has been entered.
DAS has no record of the voyage of Belois. DAS record for Horstendaal: 2058.5 DAS record for Popkensburg: 2060.2. The sum of the product-values is 10 guilders lower than the total value of the invoice. Fl. 41.775,3 in Dutch guilders is valued at fl. 52.218,18 in Indian guilders in the invoice. |
Voyage in DAS | go to DAS voyage 2059.4 |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
x | rijksdaalder | paiement | met Popkensburg | 25.000 | |
2.520 | boek | papier | gesorteerd | 1.070,14 | |
50 | vel | hoornperkament | - | 61,16 | |
52 | pees | pijlaken | - | 1.225,14 | |
18 | hoed | smeekolen | - | 422,2 | |
14.773 | lb | spijker | - | 1.487,15,8 | |
48 | pees | waterpot | tinnen | 111,7 | |
144 | pees | schotel | tinnen | 596,5 | |
144 | pees | tafelbord | tinnen | 160,3 | |
200 | pees | bint | 8 à 10 duim dik en 18 voet lang | 0 | |
3.990 | pees | spar | - | 0 | |
18 | pees | ankerstok | - | 315,2 | |
8 | pees | pijp | loden | 207,11 | |
500 | blad | blik | dubbele | 60,5,8 | |
24 | pees | slons | diverse | 32,13 | |
2.000 | pees | lantaarnhoorn | - | 104 | |
616 | lb | krijt | - | 11,8,8 | |
500 | pees | korensikkel | - | 53 | |
18 | pees | anker | in soort | 4.608,2,8 | |
6 | vat | harpuis | - | 134,11,8 | |
10 | vat | pek | - | 272,19 | |
25 | vat | teer | - | 682,7,8 | |
6 | pees | kabeltouw | - | 907 | |
50 | pees | ijzertros | - | 1.522,17 | |
6 | pees | viszegen | - | 314,9 | |
1.042 | pees | drinkglas | gesorteerd | 101,11 | |
300 | lb | garen | ruw | 355,11 | |
10 | pees | bombazijn | wit | 61,16 | |
100 | gros | knoop | koperen gemeen | 440,16,8 | |
24 | bos | tromlijn | - | 30,9,8 | |
30 | rol | zeildoek | Hollands | 1.255,3 | |
- | medicamenten | - | 157,13 | ||
Total: | 41.764,3 |