Voyage Details
Number | 17280 |
Book year | 1722/1723 |
Source | 10762 |
Folio number | 13 |
Ship name | Samaritaan |
Departure date | - |
Departure place and region | Zeeland, Republiek |
Arrival date | 24-11-1722 |
Arrival place and region | Batavia, Batavia |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 203.321,11,8 |
Remarks Voyage | - |
Voyage in DAS | go to DAS voyage 2478.2 |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
6.400 | mark | markrealen | - | 192.150 | |
24 | hoed | smeekolen | - | 288,15 | |
8.328 | lb | hoepijzer | - | 858,16 | |
150 | rol | zeildoek | wit | 5.125 | |
20 | vat | boter | Fries | 1.990 | |
10 | legger | wijn | Frans | 1.493,15 | |
25 | halve aam | olijfolie | - | 1.107,16,8 | |
- | 's lands recht | 3 procent | 307,9 | ||
Total: | 203.321,11,8 |