Voyage Details
Number | 18286 |
Book year | 1722/1723 |
Source | 10762 |
Folio number | 228 |
Ship name | Heinkenszand |
Departure date | 25-11-1722 |
Departure place and region | Galle, Ceylon |
Arrival date | - |
Arrival place and region | Zeeland, Republiek |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 320.769,16 |
Remarks Voyage | Due to the poor state of this year's BGB journal many invoices are hard to read or partially illegible. |
Voyage in DAS | go to DAS voyage 6545.1 |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
46.185 | lb | cauri | van de Malediven | 11.460,17 | |
480 | pees | periemoenemolam | ruw Tuticorins | 2.286,17,8 | |
480 | pees | periemoenemolam | gebleekt Tuticorins | 2.238,19 | |
480 | pees | moenemolam | ruw Tuticorins | 2.773,11,8 | |
480 | pees | moenemolam | gebleekt Tuticorins | 2.724,6 | |
480 | pees | kaatje | ruw breed Tuticorins | 2.473,17 | |
480 | pees | kaatje | gebleekt breed Tuticorins | 2.412,8,8 | |
700 | pees | kaatje | smal gebleekt Tuticorins | 3.842,2 | |
120 | pees | zeilkleed | ruw Tuticorins | 452,7,8 | |
40 | pees | zeilkleed | gebleekt Tuticorins | 145,1 | |
300 | pees | muris | grof gebleekt Tuticorins | 957,7,8 | |
200 | pees | parcallen | fijn gebleekt Tuticorins | 790,17 | |
300 | pees | salempuris | fijn gebleekt Tuticorins | 2.321,18,8 | |
1.000 | pees | neusdoek | fijn geschilderd Tuticorins | 1.268 | |
8.000 | lb | garen | katoenen Tuticorins | 10.523,2,8 | |
2.080 | pees | salempuris | ruw grof Tuticorins | 8.382,16,8 | |
9.520 | pees | salempuris | gebleekt grof Tuticorins | 38.966,12 | |
2.200 | pees | guinees | ruw grof Tuticorins | 19.429,2 | |
7.280 | pees | guinees | gebleekt grof Tuticorins | 67.426,3 | |
240 | pees | salempuris | rood | 1.915,18,8 | |
200 | pees | muris | rood | 1.350,6 | |
1.650 | lb | tabak | Ceylons | 298,16 | |
2.600 | lb | kardemom | Ceylons | 267,10,8 | |
7.200 | lb | kardemom | Malabars | 10.452,2,8 | |
127.771 | lb | poedersuiker | - | 13.507,8 | |
97.841 | lb | sapanhout | - | 2.381,8 | |
145.000 | lb | salpeter | - | 11.203,8,8 | |
134.000 | lb | kaneel | - | 40.200 | |
314.521 | lb | peper | - | 52.981,4 | |
enige | - | pakkagegoederen | - | 1.141,19 | |
- | ongelden | van lossen en laden | 4.193,9 | ||
Total: | 320.769,16 |