Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Voyage Details

Number 18739
Book year 1784/1785
Source 10798
Folio number 248
Ship name Triton, Doggersbank
Departure date -
Departure place and region -, Ceylon
Arrival date 2-5-1785
Arrival place and region Kaap de Goede Hoop, Kaap de Goede Hoop
Total value Dutch guilders 10.174,13,8
Total value Indian guilders -
Remarks Voyage The sum of the product-values is 20 stivers and 8 pennies lower than the total value of the invoice, because the product-values were recorded in pagodas in the BGB invoice and converted to guilders prior to entry into the database. The product-values in pagodas are provided in the ‘remarks’ fields for each product.

The total value in pagodas is: 5.138,34 1/2 pagoda.
The total value is also given in ducats [dukaten]: 3.083,18 1/2.

Only the DAS record for Triton has been entered.

DAS record for Doggersbank: 8139.1.
Voyage in DAS go to DAS voyage 8140.3

Cargo details

Quantity Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders Remarks Product
10 pak guinees gemeen ruw, voor het regiment De Meuron 2574,3 Value in pagodas: 1.300 pagoda.
283 pees kattekaatje fijn gebleekt 7084,19 Value in pagodas: 3.578 pagoda
- in aanrekening - 482,4 Value in pagodas: 243,43 pagoda
- emballage - 32,9 Value in pagodas: 16,39 1/2 pagoda.
Total: 10.173,15