Voyage Details
Number | 2943 |
Book year | 1776/1777 |
Source | 10793 |
Folio number | 78 |
Ship name | Phoenix (sloep) |
Departure date | 3-10-1776 |
Departure place and region | Batavia, Batavia |
Arrival date | - |
Arrival place and region | Bantam, Bantam |
Total value Dutch guilders | 98.738,2,8 |
Total value Indian guilders | - |
Remarks Voyage | - |
Voyage in DAS | - |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
1.200 | pees | dukatons | zilveren gekarteld | 3.960 | |
30.000 | pees | realen | van achten | 81.000 | |
12 | zak | paiement | nieuw Nederlands | 3.600 | |
390.400 | pees | duiten | - | 2.440 | |
diverse | - | equipagegoederen | - | 2.400,5 | |
diverse | - | wapengoederen | - | 330,2,8 | |
diverse | - | provisie | - | 4.861,3 | |
- | in aanrekening | - | 1,7 | ||
- | agio | - | 0,0,8 | ||
- | ongelden | Bataviase 2 procent | 145,4,8 | ||
Total: | 98.738,2,8 |