Voyage Details
Number | 5289 |
Book year | 1762/1763 |
Source | 10785 |
Folio number | 33 |
Ship name | Bleiswijk |
Departure date | - |
Departure place and region | -, Bengalen |
Arrival date | 23-7-1763 |
Arrival place and region | Batavia, Batavia |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 166.962,13 |
Remarks Voyage | - |
Voyage in DAS | - |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
100 | lb | gewicht | - | 69,19 | |
3.600 | lb | catechu | Surats | 1.811,5 | |
- | gom | medicinaal | |||
- | drogues | medicinaal | |||
412 | lb | samen | - | 211,17,8 | |
303 | baal | katoen | Surats | 24.631,8,8 | |
240 | pees | baftas | zwart smal Surats | 830,15,8 | |
700 | pees | bherms | breed Surats | 4.362,7 | |
500 | pees | sits | Surats | 4.273,17,8 | |
3.000 | pees | photas | Surats | 7.650 | |
400 | pees | cangans | zwart Surats | 1.325,13,8 | |
2.400 | pees | karicams | rood Surats | 5.255,5 | |
1.000 | pees | kannekijns | zwart Surats | 1.257,13 | |
1.560 | pees | niquanias | Surats | 4.749,18 | |
2.081 | pees | patholen | zijden Surats | 36.195,15 | |
122 | pees | neusdoek | Surats | 123,13 | |
8.500 | pees | tapis | kankenias Surats | 13.080,5 | |
3.700 | pees | vlaggendoek | Surats | 21.465,11 | |
16 | thool | rozenolie | etherische, Surats | 538,10 | |
103 | kist | zeep | Surats | 2.305,11,8 | |
10 | last | tarwe | nieuw Surats | 1.950 | |
1 | kast | suiker | tot monster | 7,10 | |
diverse | - | equipagegoederen | - | 145,7 | |
diverse | - | artilleriegoederen | - | 57,2 | |
diverse | - | wapenkamergoederen | - | 427,17 | |
- | in aanrekening | - | 10,10 | ||
- | in aanrekening | - | 1.190,19 | ||
- | in aanrekening | - | 957,12 | ||
- | in aanrekening | - | 32.076,11 | ||
Total: | 166.962,13 |