Voyage Details
Number | 5834 |
Book year | 1762/1763 |
Source | 10785 |
Folio number | 118 |
Ship name | Noord Nieuwland |
Departure date | 13-12-1762 |
Departure place and region | Batavia, Batavia |
Arrival date | - |
Arrival place and region | Makassar, Makassar |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 45.352,5,8 |
Remarks Voyage | - |
Voyage in DAS | - |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
250 | lb | garen | katoenen Javaans | 42,9 | |
40 | pees | deken | katoenen Kust | 150,12 | |
100 | pees | gingam | pinasse Kust | 360,8,8 | |
1.600 | pees | guinees | gemeen gebleekt Kust | 14.916,7 | |
100 | pees | muris | gebleekt Kust | 740,14 | |
640 | pees | parcallen | Kust in soort | 1.759,12 | |
800 | pees | salempuris | Kust in soort | 3.513,16,8 | |
160 | pees | bethilles | cangan Bengaals | 1.810,2 | |
660 | pees | cassa | Bengaals | 9.687,13 | |
400 | pees | sits | Bengaals | 1.593,14 | |
480 | pees | sits | Surats | 2.062,10 | |
80 | pees | deken | Surats | 597,7 | |
1.000 | pees | spreien | Surats | 3.225,15,8 | |
180 | pees | hammans | Bengaals | 2.892,15 | |
- | ongelden | Bataviase 2 procent | 869,16,8 | ||
- | in aanrekening | - | 651,18 | ||
- | in aanrekening | - | 266,13,8 | ||
- | in aanrekening | - | 72,12 | ||
- | in aanrekening | - | 137,10 | ||
Total: | 45.352,5,8 |