Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Voyage Details

Number 7579
Book year 1760/1761
Source 10783
Folio number 445
Ship name onbekend
Departure date 31-8-1761
Departure place and region Nagapattinam, Coromandel
Arrival date -
Arrival place and region Colombo, Ceylon
Total value Dutch guilders -
Total value Indian guilders 6.108,16,8
Remarks Voyage The name of the ship is not recorded in the BGB invoice.
Voyage in DAS -

Cargo details

Quantity Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
80 pees salempuris bruin blauw 433,14
100 pees muris - 395,16
1.000 pees gingam in soort 4.907,18
400 pees overleer rood 195,9
diverse - emballage - 85,16,8
- ongelden 1 1/2 procent op koopmanschappen 90,3
Total: 6.108,16,8