Bookkeeper-General Batavia/Boekhouder-Generaal Batavia

Voyage Details

Number 8301
Book year 1750/1751
Source 10775
Folio number 114
Ship name Sparenrijk
Departure date 9-7-1751
Departure place and region Batavia, Batavia
Arrival date -
Arrival place and region Mokka, Mokka
Total value Dutch guilders -
Total value Indian guilders 74.782,6
Remarks Voyage Due to smudged ink and ink corrosion, many of the invoices in this BGB journal are hard to read or partially illegible.
Voyage in DAS -

Cargo details

Quantity Product Specification Value Dutch guilders Value Indian guilders
70.000 lb tin Bangkaas 22.750
800 lb kaneel - 240
4.055 lb garioffelnagel - 1.622
616 lb foelie in soort 369,12
5.012 lb nootmuskaat in soort 1.008,8
17.039 lb benzoƫ - 4.743,8,8
20.000 lb sapanhout Bimanees 480
110.192 lb kandijsuiker - 15.572,13,8
75.105 lb poedersuiker - 6.489,1,8
4.000 lb kaneel wit 384
1.000 lb borax geraffineerd 800
diverse - kleinigheden - 27,8
diverse - provisie - 416,11
diverse - ijzer in soort 18.000
- ongelden Bataviase 2 procent 1.458,1
- in aanrekening - 421,2,8
Total: 74.782,6