Voyage Details
Number | 8619 |
Book year | 1701/1702 |
Source | 10752 |
Folio number | 52 |
Ship name | Dieren |
Departure date | - |
Departure place and region | Japara, Java's Noordoostkust |
Arrival date | 17-6-1702 |
Arrival place and region | Batavia, Batavia |
Total value Dutch guilders | - |
Total value Indian guilders | 2.221,2,8 |
Remarks Voyage | - |
Voyage in DAS | - |
Cargo details
Quantity | Product | Specification | Value Dutch guilders | Value Indian guilders | |
65 | pees | lijfhout | zwaar | 522 | |
50 | pees | wortelknie | zwaar | 258,15 | |
100 | pees | huisbalk | - | 111,15 | |
200 | pees | knie | - | 144 | |
2 | pees | rantsoenhout | - | 46,10 | |
156 | pees | kromhout | - | 57,7,8 | |
1.000 | pees | djatiplank | gezaagd | 768,15 | |
50 | pees | velling | - | 7,10 | |
- | in aanrekening | - | 304,10 | ||
Total: | 2.221,2,8 |