Information in English and translations
For general information in English see:link
For a provisional list with translations of revenue and expenditure entries as they are to be found in the database for the province of Holland in the eighteenth century see the List of translations below (which is followed by an alphabetical list).
The part of the site called 'aggregated data' (link) offers aggregations of several revenue or expenditure entries under collective headings, sometimes in accordance with categories in archival sources, sometimes constructed by the researchers in an attempt to summarize and make comparable the data for the different provinces. For a list of translations of the column headings for these aggregated data see below.
To get a quick impression of what this part of the site offers do as follows:
for 'Regio' choose 'Holland'
for 'Soort' choose 'inkomsten'
click 'zoek'
select all the available 'Verzamelposten' by ticking the small squares at the right-hand side of the screen under 'selecteer'
click 'toon de tabel met geselecteerde posten'
to see the next 50 years click on 'Volgende 50 resultaten'
NB 'download' (or select and copy to Excel) may not function properly if you do not use Internet Explorer as your browser!
List of translations (for an alphabetical list see below)
Overzicht van 'verzamelposten' |
Overview of 'aggregated entries' |
Regio |
Region (province) |
Alle gewesten |
All (available) provinces |
Soort |
Sort |
Alle soorten |
All sorts (of aggregated data on the highest level) |
inkomsten |
revenue, income (taxes, loans and 'other') |
uitgaven (general.) |
expenditure by the provinces on behalf of the 'Generality' of the Dutch Republic (mainly war expenditure) |
uitgaven (prov.) |
provincial expenditure (interestpayments on the provincial debts and other provincial expenditure) |
verrekenposten |
(aggregated) entries by means of which totals can be consolidated, f.i. transfers among tax collectors, deficits, favourable balances |
Zoek in de omschrijving |
Find an (aggregated) entry containing the following term (NB it is not necessary to use this option) |
Zoek |
Find |
[choose for 'Regio' 'Alle gewesten'; choose for 'Soort' 'inkomsten'; click ' zoek']
Volgende 40 resultaten |
Show me the next 40 results |
Verzamelposten |
Aggregated entries |
toon de tabel met geselecteerde posten |
show me the table with the selected (aggregated) entries |
Omschrijving |
description |
Regio |
province |
toon bedragen per jaar |
show me the amounts per year |
toon posten |
show me the entries (as they occurred in the sources) that are subsumed under the heading of this aggregated entry |
Belastingen op inkomsten en vermogen |
Taxes on income and property |
Subposten |
Sub-entries (these entries should not be added to the totals because they are part of another (sub)total (f.i. because these specifications were only available for some years)) |
Directe belastingen op onroerend goed |
Direct taxes on immoveable property |
grondschatting |
tax on land |
Directe belastingen op verteringen |
Direct taxes based on estimates of consumption of specified products (f.i. salt, coffee) |
verpondingen |
assessments, taxes on land and houses |
Domeinen |
Domains (property of the king that had been confiscated by the provincial governments after the Revolt) |
geestelijke goederen |
ecclesiastical property (property of the church and cloisters that had been confiscated by the provincial governments after the Revolt) |
kloostergoederen |
(confiscated) property of the cloisters |
Gemene middelen |
'Common means' (= what is called 'general means' in the other provinces: uniform taxes common to all cities and the countryside in the province of Holland levied by the States of Holland; mainly, but not only, indirect taxes) |
Generale middelen |
'General means' (=what is called 'common means' in Holland; the number of these taxes and the rates at which they were levied varied from province to povince; they were mainly, but not only indirect taxes) |
Hoofdgeld |
Poll tax, Capital tax |
Leningen |
Loans |
[click ' volgende 40 resultaten' at the right-hand top of the table]
Niet nader ingedeelde middelen |
Other (not categorized)revenue-entries |
Overdrachtsbelastingen |
Transfertaxes (collateral heritages or sale of immoveable property) |
Overige inkomsten |
Other revenue-entries |
Overige ontvangsten |
Other revenue-entries |
Penningen op inkomsten en vermogen |
Taxes on income and property |
Renten en dividenden |
Interests and dividends |
Sloten van rekeningen en restanten |
Balances and entries that were not realized in fact |
Vacatures |
Vacancies (salaries that had been mentioned among the expenditure-items but that had not been paid because the position had remained vacant) |
Verkeersbelastingen |
Taxes on traffic (includes f.i. tolls, but also the stamp tax) |
Verkopingen |
Sales (mainly of land from the domains and cloister-property) |
[choose for 'Regio' 'Alle gewesten'; choose for 'Soort' 'uitgaven (general.)'; click ' zoek']
Aflossingen |
Debt redemption (on loans negotiated by the 'Generality' of the Dutch Republic) |
Defensie te lande |
Defense on the ground |
Defensie te water |
Naval defense |
Diversen |
Sundries, miscellaneous |
Interest(interessen), rente en aflossingen generaliteitsschuld |
Interest payments and debt redemption (on loans negotiated by the 'Generality') |
Legerlasten |
Army expenditure |
Materialen, goederen en diensten (voor zover gespecificeerd) |
Expenditure on materials, goods and services for the army (as far as specified) |
Oorlog ter zee |
War at sea |
Overige en ongespecificeerd |
Other and not specified |
Pensioenen en wachtgelden |
Pensions and retaining fees (reduced pays for non-active military) |
Rente en aflossingen |
Interest payments and debt redemption |
Subsidies (en andere betalingen )aan het buitenland |
Subsidies (and other payments) to foreign states |
Tractementen (en (lijf)pensioenen |
Salaries (and (life)pensions |
Troepen |
Troops |
[choose for 'Regio' 'Alle gewesten'; choose for 'Soort' 'uitgaven (prov.)'; click ' zoek']
Uitgaven (prov.) |
Provincial expenditure |
(lijf)pensioenen |
(life)pensions |
Aflossingen (op provinciale schuld) |
Deb redemption (of provincial debt) |
Diverse onkosten |
Various expenses |
Interest en rente op provinciale schuld |
Interest payments on provincial debt |
Interest, rente en aflossingen op provinciale schuld |
Interest payments and debt redemption on provincial debt |
Kosten administratie |
Expenses (provincial) administration |
Naar andere kantoren |
To other tax-offices (to enable them to make all the payments that were charged on their office) |
Overige en ongespecificeerd |
Other and unspecified |
Pensioenen |
Pensions |
Rantsoenpenningen |
'Ration pennies' (= 5% of the 'general(common) means' spent on the poor, the churches and the expenses for tax collection |
Remissien (= Remissies) |
Acquits of taxes that proved to have been impossible to collect |
Restanten en kortingen |
Tax amounts that had not yet been collected (although they had been entered as revenue entries ) and reductions on tax revenue that had to be granted |
Tractementen |
Salaries of government officials |
Alphabetical list of translations
Aflossingen (general.) |
Debt redemption (on loans negotiated by the 'Generality' of the Dutch Republic) |
Aflossingen (op provinciale schuld) |
Debt redemption (of provincial debt) |
Alle gewesten |
All (available) provinces |
Alle soorten |
All sorts (of aggregated data on the highest level) |
Belastingen op inkomsten en vermogen |
Taxes on income and property |
Defensie te lande |
Defense on the ground |
Defensie te water |
Naval defense |
Directe belastingen op onroerend goed |
Direct taxes on immoveable property |
Directe belastingen op verteringen |
Direct taxes based on estimates of consumption of specified products (f.i. salt, coffee) |
Diverse onkosten |
Various expenses |
Diversen |
Sundries, miscellaneous |
Domeinen |
Domains (property of the king that had been confiscated by the provincial governments after the Revolt) |
geestelijke goederen |
ecclesiastical property (property of the church and cloisters that had been confiscated by the provincial governments after the Revolt) |
Gemene middelen |
'Common means' (= what is colled 'general means' in the other provinces: uniform taxes common to all cities and the countryside in the province of Holland levied by the States of Holland; mainly, but not only, indirect taxes) |
Generale middelen |
'General means' (=what is called 'common means' in Holland; the number of these taxes and the rates at which they were levied varied from province to povince; they were mainly, but not only indirect taxes) |
grondschatting |
tax on land |
Hoofdgeld |
Poll tax, Capital tax |
inkomsten |
revenue, income (taxes, loans and 'other') |
Interest en rente op provinciale schuld |
Interest payments on provincial debt |
Interest(interessen), rente en aflossingen generaliteitsschuld |
Interest payments and debt redemption (on loans negotiated by the 'Generality') |
Interest, rente en aflossingen op provinciale schuld |
Interest payments and debt redemption on provincial debt |
Kloostergoederen |
(confiscated) property of the cloisters |
Kosten administratie |
Expenses (provincial) administration |
Legerlasten |
Army expenditure |
Leningen |
Loans |
(lijf)pensioenen |
(life)pensions |
Materialen, goederen en diensten (voor zover gespecificeerd) |
Expenditure on materials, goods and services for the army (as far as specified) |
Naar andere kantoren |
To other tax-offices (to enable them to make all the payments that were charged on their office) |
Niet nader ingedeelde middelen |
Other (not categorized)revenue-entries |
Omschrijving |
description |
Oorlog ter zee |
War at sea |
Overdrachtsbelastingen |
Transfertaxes (collateral heritages or sale of immoveable property) |
Overige en ongespecificeerd |
Other and not specified |
Overige en ongespecificeerd |
Other and unspecified |
Overige inkomsten |
Other revenue-entries |
Overige ontvangsten |
Other revenue-entries |
Overzicht van 'verzamelposten' |
Overview of 'aggregated entries' |
Penningen op inkomsten en vermogen |
Taxes on income and property |
Pensioenen |
Pensions |
Pensioenen en wachtgelden |
Pensions and retaining fees (reduced pays for non-active military) |
Rantsoenpenningen |
'Ration pennies' (= 5% of the 'general(common) means' spent on the poor, the churches and the expenses for tax collection |
Regio |
Region (province) |
Regio |
province |
Remissien (= Remissies) |
Acquits of taxes that proved to have been impossible to collect |
Rente en aflossingen |
Interest payments and debt redemption |
Renten en dividenden |
Interests and dividends |
Restanten en kortingen |
Tax amounts that had not yet been collected (although they had been entered as revenue entries ) and reductions on tax revenue that had to be granted |
Sloten van rekeningen en restanten |
Balances and entries that were not realized in fact |
Soort |
Sort |
Subposten |
Sub-entries (these entries should not be added to the totals because they are part of another (sub)total (f.i. because these specifications were only available for some years)) |
Subsidies (en andere betalingen )aan het buitenland |
Subsidies (and other payments) to foreign states |
toon bedragen per jaar |
show me the amounts per year |
toon de tabel met geselecteerde posten |
show me the table with the selected (aggregated) entries |
toon posten |
show me the entries (as they occurred in the sources) that are subsumed under the heading of this aggregated entry |
Tractementen |
Salaries of government officials |
Tractementen (en (lijf)pensioenen |
Salaries (and (life)pensions |
Troepen |
Troops |
uitgaven (general.) |
expenditure by the provinces on behalf of the 'Generality' of the Dutch Republic (mainly war expenditure) |
uitgaven (prov.) |
provincial expenditure (interestpayments on the provincial debts and other provincial expenditure) |
Uitgaven (prov.) |
Provincial expenditure |
Vacatures |
Vacancies (salaries that had been mentioned among the expenditure-items but that had not been paid because the position had remained vacant) |
Verkeersbelastingen |
Taxes on traffic (includes f.i. tolls, but also the stamp tax) |
Verkopingen |
Sales (mainly of land from the domains and cloister-property) |
verpondingen |
assessments, taxes on land and houses |
verrekenposten |
(aggregated) entries by means of which totals can be consolidated, f.i. transfers among tax collectors, deficits, favourable balances |
Verzamelposten |
Aggregated entries |
Volgende 40 resultaten |
Show me the next 40 results |
Zoek |
Find |
Zoek in de omschrijving |
Find an (aggregated) entry containing the following term (NB it is not necessary to use this option) |