This page gives access to five files containing aggregate information on the total public finance of the Dutch Republic, with added estimates for missing data. The first four files formed the basis for W. Fritschy, Public Finance of the Dutch Republic in Comparative Perspective. The Viability of an Early Modern Federal State (1570s-1795) (Leiden 2017).
The first file contains the data on Holland’s debt in E. Dormans, Het tekort. Staatsschuld in de tijd der Republiek (Amsterdam 1991); the last file is from
W. Veenstra, Tussen gewest en Generaliteit. Staatsvorming en financiering van de oorlog te water in de Republiek der Verenigde Nederlanden, in het bijzonder Zeeland (1586-1795) (diss. VUA 2014) [courtesy of the authors].
For information on the content of the files see the first sheet of each file called ‘IntrodAbbr’.
- 1TotPubFin2017: contains end-totals for the reconstruction of the public finance of the Dutch Republic, and sheets with some relevant additional data and estimates.
- 2GenExp2017: contains data and estimates for 'general' expenditure by the provinces and the 'Generality', mainly consisting of military, including naval, expenditure and of debt service on the 'Generality' debt.
- 3ProvExp2017: contains data and estimates for 'provincial' expenditure mainly consisting of debt service on provincial debts and other civil public expenditure by the provinces.
- 4RevProvGnrltAdm2017: contains data and estimates for the public revenue of the provinces, the 'Generality' and the admiralties of the Dutch Republic.
- 5FinAdm(Veenstra)2014: contains data on the finances of 1) the admiralty of Zeeland, 1586-1794 and 2) each of the other four admiralties, 1681-1794, mainly used for the navy and mainly consisting of customs, as published in Veenstra (2014) [courtesy of the author].
For more information on the content of the files see the first sheet of each file called ‘IntrodAbbr’.