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Details of voyage 5431.1 from Batavia to Vlie
Number | 5431.1 |
Name of ship | GEKROONDE LEEUW |
Master | |
Tonnage | 1200 |
Type of ship | |
Built | |
Yard | Enkhuizen |
Chamber | Enkhuizen |
Date of departure | 24-12-1655 |
Place of departure | Batavia |
Arrival at Cape | 15-03-1656 |
Departure from Cape | 27-03-1656 |
Date of arrival at destination | 25-07-1656 |
Place of arrival | Vlie |
Chamber for which cargo is destined | Enkhuizen
Particulars | First return fleet (5431-5436) under command of Kasper van den Bogaard aboard the VERENIGDE PROVINCIEN(?). Via St. Helena? Total number of those aboard 832. |
Previous outward voyage | 0806.1 |
On Board | The number on board at departure. I | The number dying en route to the Cape. II | The number who went from board at the Cape. III |
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