The Netherlands and European Integration, 1950-1986

English | Nederlands

Instructions for use

The source publication is organized in layered configuration. A search query leads to a list of records. Each record has a unique identifier consisting of a first letter, followed by a five digit number. These designations only have meaning within this application on the Web.

The 'list of records' screen provides four options to refine the results of a search: number, date, person as an actor, type (of document). The overview of records provides the option to click on a summary of each document, or go to a PDF representation of the original piece.

The summary screen shows the names of the person(s) who signed the document , or in case of a meeting participated in the discussion. Names of people mentioned in the document appear on the right. Underlined names and terms are clickable. Clicking personal names opens a screen with brief biographical information. Clicking on a keyword generates a new search with the selected keyword. Records that are directly related to the found record, are listed under the designation 'see also'. The option ‘to PDF’ opens an image of the document as a new tab in your browser.

The archival reference of each document can be found as a watermark at the bottom of each PDF page offered.

The PDF files are searchable at word level using 'Ctrl+F' on the keyboard. Due to varying quality of the originals, the result of such a search is not always optimal. In older documents and less legible originals it is recommended to read the entire text. Text passages can be transferred to another program on your computer via the options ‘cut’ and ‘paste’. However, what is transferred is not the text as you read on the screen, but the OCR edited text ‘behind’ the image. It is also possible to store the entire document as a PDF file on your computer.