Briefwisseling van Willem van Oranje

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Brief 13207

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Briefnummer 13207
Datum brief
Correspondent Aan Raad van State Schotland
Datum brief
Inhoud Uit editie: 'William of Nassau, Prince of Orange, to the Council of State of Scotland, informing them, with reference to a proscription published against him by Philip the Second, King of Spain, by which the latter not only attempted to deprive him of his goods, but to stain his honour by charging him with atrocious crimes, that by the advice of his best friends he had published a defence of his conduct, a copy of which he encloses to the council; he entreats them to use their influence in his favour with King James, and states that he had instructed the bearer, the Sieur de Melville, to communicate several particulars to the council.'
Incipit Messieurs, Vous aurez peu voir une proscription publiƩe contre moy par le Roy d'Espaigne, par laquelle non seulement
Opmerkingen geen
Bron Toegang Verschijningsvorm Afbeelding
Fraser, Memorials of the earls of Haddington, II II, 2-3 editie: