Sociale Zekerheid 1890-1967

English | Nederlands

Additionele bestanden

De volgenden bestanden zijn beschikbaar:

  • Vibeke Kingma, "Sources of local charity and social work in the Netherlands", Paper for the congress on Gender and Social Work, Sankt Gallen, 19 October 2002
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  • Ton Kappelhof Vibeke Kingma, "The supply and demand of sources on the history of social security in the Netherlands", Paper presented to the Fourth European Social Science History Conference at The Hague 27th of February - 2nd of March 2002
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  • A.C.M. Kappelhof, D. Rigter, De Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens (2001) en de selectie en bewaring van persoonsdossiers, Amsterdam/Den Haag, mei 2002
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