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281 instellingen gevonden
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281 instellingen in selectie pagina: « 1 2 3 4 5 6 »
Naam Persoon /
Land van
Commonwealth Office of Education, Central Office instelling
  • Australie
Concordia University Montreal, Canada instelling
  • Canada
Data Archiving and Networked Services instelling
  • Nederland
De Nederlandsche Bank instelling
  • Nederland
Dental Board of New South Wales instelling
  • Australie
Department of Agriculture instelling
  • Canada
Department of Citizenship and Immigration; Deputy Minister's Office (voorgangers en opvolgers) instelling
  • Canada
Department of Citizenship and Immigration; General Board of Immigration Appeals instelling
  • Canada
Department of Commerce and Agriculture, Central Office instelling
  • Australie
Department of Defence [III], Central Office instelling
  • Australie
Department of Economics and Development, Ontario instelling
  • Canada
Department of External Affairs, Australia instelling
  • Australie
Department of External Affairs, Canada instelling
  • Canada
Department of External Affairs [II], Australian Consulate-General/Embassy (1950), Batavia (from 27 dec 1949) Djakarta [Netherlands East Indies] (from 27 december 1949) Republic of the United States of Indonesia instelling
  • Australie
Department of External Affairs [II], Australian Consulate-General, New York [United States] instelling
  • Australie
Department of External Affairs [II], Australian Embassy, Ireland [Dublin] instelling
  • Australie
Department of External Affairs [II], Australian Legation / Embassy, The Netherlands [The Hague] instelling
  • Australie
Department of Health, Central Office instelling
  • Australie
Department of Immigration instelling
  • Australie
Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs instelling
  • Australie
Department of Immigration, Migrant Information Service, Australian Capital Territory Office instelling
  • Australie
Department of Immigration, Migrant Reception and Training Centre Bonegilla (Victoria) instelling
  • Australie
Department of Immigration, New South Wales Branch instelling
  • Australie
Department of Information, Central Office instelling
  • Australie
Department of Justice, Canada instelling
  • Canada
Department of Labour instelling
  • Canada
Department of Labour and National Service, Central Secretariat (v.a. 1947 Central Office) instelling
  • Australie
Department of Labour and National Service, Migrant Workers' Accommodation Division instelling
  • Australie
Department of Labour, Ontario instelling
  • Canada
Department of Manpower and Immigration, Manpower Division instelling
  • Canada
Department of Mines and Resources instelling
  • Canada
Department of National Health and Welfare instelling
  • Canada
Department of Planning and Development, Ontario instelling
  • Canada
Department of Postwar Reconstruction, Central Office instelling
  • Australie
Department of Social Services instelling
  • Australie
Department of Technical and Further Education New South Wales; New Castle Technical College instelling
  • Australie
Department of Territories [I] instelling
  • Australie
Department of the Interior [I], Central Administration instelling
  • Australie
Department of the Interior [II], Australian News and Information Bureau instelling
  • Australie
Department of the Interior [II], Central Office instelling
  • Australie
Department of the Treasury, Australia instelling
  • Australie
Department of Tourist Activities, New South Wales instelling
  • Australie
Department of Trade and Customs, Australia instelling
  • Australie
Department of Transport instelling
  • Canada
Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Canada instelling
  • Canada
Drayton Christian Reformed Church instelling
  • Canada
Dutch Australian Cultural Centre Ltd. instelling
  • Australie
Dutch Canadian Credit Union, Toronto instelling
  • Canada
Emigratiebestuur instelling
  • Nederland
Ethnic Affairs Commission of New South Wales instelling
  • Australie
281 instellingen in selectie pagina: « 1 2 3 4 5 6 »