Aartsbisdom Utrecht |
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Aartsdiocesane Katholieke Middenstandsbond |
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Algemene Emigratie Centrale |
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Archives of Ontario |
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Beeld en Geluid Australiƫ |
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Beeld en Geluid Canada |
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Beeld en Geluid Nederland |
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Bisdom Breda |
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Bisdom Haarlem |
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Bisdom 's-Hertogenbosch |
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Bond van Christen Boerinnen, Boerendochters en andere Plattelandsvrouwen en -meisjes in Nederland |
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Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (en taakvoorgangers) |
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Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (en voorgangers) |
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Canadian Council on Social Development (en taakvoorgangers) |
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Canadian National Railway Company, Colonization and Agriculture Department and Canadian National Landsettlement Association |
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Canadian-Netherlands Immigration Council, Ontario |
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Catholic Immigrant Service, Netherlands Service |
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Catholic Netherlands Immigration Service, Toronto, Canada |
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Catholic Netherlands Organization, Hamilton (Ontario) |
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Centraal Plan Bureau |
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Centrum van de Nederlandse Katholieke Vrouwenbeweging (en taakopvolgers) |
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Christelijke Emigratie Centrale |
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Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond |
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Commissaris der Koningin in de provincie Friesland |
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Concordia University Montreal, Canada |
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Data Archiving and Networked Services |
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De Nederlandsche Bank |
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Department of Agriculture |
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Department of Citizenship and Immigration; Deputy Minister's Office (voorgangers en opvolgers) |
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Department of Citizenship and Immigration; General Board of Immigration Appeals |
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Department of Economics and Development, Ontario |
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Department of External Affairs, Canada |
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Department of Justice, Canada |
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Department of Labour |
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Department of Labour, Ontario |
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Department of Manpower and Immigration, Manpower Division |
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Department of Mines and Resources |
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Department of National Health and Welfare |
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Department of Planning and Development, Ontario |
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Department of Transport |
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Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Canada |
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Drayton Christian Reformed Church |
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Dutch Canadian Credit Union, Toronto |
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Gemeentebestuur, Groningen (stad) |
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Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, Classis Grootegast |
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Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland, Deputaten voor de Emigratie |
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Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (vrijgemaakt), Generale Synode |
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Gereformeerde Stichting tot Bijstand van Emigranten en Geƫmigreerden |
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Gereformeerd protestantse kerkgenootschappen, overig |
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Government of Canada, Immigration Branch |
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