Aartsbisdom Utrecht |
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Aartsdiocesane Katholieke Middenstandsbond |
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Aartsdiocesane Rooms-Katholieke Boeren- en Tuindersbond |
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Algemene Emigratie Centrale |
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Algemene Katholieke Werkgevers Vereniging (en taakopvolger) |
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Algemene Nederlandse Landarbeidersbond (en taakopvolgers) |
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Algemene Rekenkamer |
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Anti-Revolutionaire Partij |
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Archives of Ontario |
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Attorney-General's Department, Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, Central Office |
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Attorney-General's Department, Commonwealth Investigation Service, Central Office |
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Attorney-General's Department, Security Service, Central Office |
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Attorney's-General's Department, General Office |
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Australian Bureau of Statistics, Central Office |
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Australian National Film Board |
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Bisdom Breda |
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Bisdom Groningen |
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Bisdom Haarlem |
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Bisdom Roermond |
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Bisdom Rotterdam |
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Bisdom 's-Hertogenbosch |
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Boerinnenbond van de Noordbrabantse Christelijke Boerenbond |
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Bond van Christen Boerinnen, Boerendochters en andere Plattelandsvrouwen en -meisjes in Nederland |
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Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (en taakvoorgangers) |
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Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (en voorgangers) |
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Canadian Council on Social Development (en taakvoorgangers) |
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Canadian National Railway Company, Colonization and Agriculture Department and Canadian National Landsettlement Association |
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Canadian-Netherlands Immigration Council, Ontario |
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Catholic Immigrant Service, Netherlands Service |
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Catholic Netherlands Immigration Service, Toronto, Canada |
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Catholic Netherlands Organization, Hamilton (Ontario) |
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Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek |
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Centraal Comité van Kerkelijk en Particulier Initiatief voor de Sociale Zorg ten behoeve van Gerepatrieerden |
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Centraal Plan Bureau |
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Centraal Sociaal Werkgevers Verbond |
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Centrale Stichting Landbouw Emigratie |
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Centrum van de Nederlandse Katholieke Vrouwenbeweging (en taakopvolgers) |
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Chief Secretary's Department |
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Christelijke Emigratie Centrale |
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Christelijk-Historische Unie |
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Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond |
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Christen Jonge Vrouwen Federatie |
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Commissaris der Koningin in de provincie Friesland |
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Commissaris der Koningin in de provincie Noord-Brabant |
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Commissaris der Koningin in de provincie Noord-Holland |
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Commissaris der Koningin in de provincie Zuid-Holland |
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Commissie Landbouw-Emigratie |
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Commissie voor Internationale Technische Hulp |
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Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Australia |
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Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Council |
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